PGTRB - English
Join our engaging online classes covering all aspects of English literature. Access recorded video lessons anytime to catch up or revise. Enhance your preparation with our quizzes, including topic-wise, unit-wise, and mock exams. Benefit from an extensive MCQ bank with over 16,000 questions. Participate in dedicated doubt-clearing sessions, discussions, and receive continuous support and motivation. Achieve your goals with our comprehensive and supportive learning environment. Join Now
Sample Lecture Videos
PG TRB - Syllabus
Prologue to the Canterbury Tales - Chaucer
Faerie Queene - Book-I - Spenser
Prothalamion and Epithalamion - Spenser
Selections in Peacock's English verse, Vol-I & II- Wyatt, Surrey
Of Truth,
Of Adversity,
Of Studies,
Of Revenge,
Of Ambition,
Of Friendship - Francis Bacon
Apologie For Poetrie - Sidney
The Book of Job from The Bible
Dr. Faustus - Marlowe
The Spanish Tragedy - Thomas kyd
The Alchemist - Ben Jonson
Canonisation and The Ecstasie
- Paradise Lost, Book-IX
- The Rape of the Lock
- Samson Agonistes
Peacock's English Verse - Vol-III - Gray, Collins & Blake:
- Affliction & The Pulley
- To His Coy Mistress
- Life of Milton
- The Pilgrim's Progress
- Tom Jones
- All for Love
- The School for Scandal
- The way of the World
- She stoops to conquer
Immortality Ode,
Tintern Abbey -
Ode to Dejection,
Kubla Khan -
Ode on a Grecian Urn
Ode to Autumn - Ode to the West Wind
- Prelude - Book-I
- Adonais
Essays of Elia:
Christ's Hospital
The South Sea House
Dream children
New Year's Eve
- My First Acquaintance with Poets
- A Defence of Poetry
- Preface to the Lyrical Ballads (1850)
- Emma
- Wuthering Heights
Dover Beach,
The Scholar Gypsy - Andrea Del Sarto
- Morte D' Arthur
- Byzantium
- The Waste land
- The Wreck of the Deutschland
The selections from
(i) Owen (ii) W.H.Auden (iii) Stephen Spender in the Faber
Book of Modern Verse.
The Hero as a Man of Letters
(from “On Heroes and Hero Worship”) - The Study of Poetry
- Tradition and Individual Talent
- Great Expectations
- Middle March
- Jude the Obscure
- To the Light House
- The Power and the Glory
- Macbeth
- The Tempest
- Henry–IV Part-I
- Measure for Measure
- Antony and Cleopatra
A general knowledge of the other plays, poems and sonnets of Shakespeare is
expected of the candidates.

What people say About our Services
u003cpu003eu0022There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which look even slightly believable.u0022u003c/pu003e
u003cpu003eu0022There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which look even slightly believable.u0022u003c/pu003e
u003cpu003eu0022There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which look even slightly believable.u0022u003c/pu003e
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- Web site Analysis
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